Desi Gulaab | About Us
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About Us

About Us

Founded in 2020 by Ar. Sana Soni, Desi Gulaab is a multi-disciplinary design and Architecture studio based in Jaipur. We offer professional services in architecture, interiors and industrial design. Grounded on the principles of infusing art in contemporary spaces, we also offer art consultancy services and bespoke art installations where we collaborate with a large network of craftspersons, sculptors and artists. We are constantly challenging ourselves to reinterpret traditional crafts and techniques as elements of luxury.

Our work is a reflection of India’s rich craft heritage and local craftsmanship. Each project outcome is a tailor-made solution designed with careful attention to detail, inclusive design practices and collaborative approach.


Founder Architect

Sana Soni is the founder Architect and principal designer of Desi Gulaab. She received her undergraduate degree in Architecture from NIT, Jaipur and her master’s degree in furniture design from NID, Ahmedabad. Through her education in architecture and industrial design, her love for crafts and everything handmade was reinforced in a way that her body of work is a celebration of local resources, cultural influences and craft practices.


Founder Architect